Although both aiims and Jipmer have been scrapped off and have been merged with neet examination but examination pattern of neet is still the same so you don't need to worry at all and you can trust on ncert for your neet preparation. Aso in neet examination, approximately 90 % or more of the questions in biology section are directly based on concepts from ncert so you can consider ncert biology as a Bible for your neet examination; but there are some topics which are quite difficult to understand from ncert but clear concepts is very much essential for solving mcqs in neet examination; so you can follow the book called Biology by Trueman for your reference . Now , neet is all about mcqs and you cannot score good marks without practicing them so you can follow the book called ncert at your fingertips for biology by mtg . To prepare well you can make mind maps, flow charts for memory based topics while studying the chapters and these will help you a lot during your revision . Good luck for your neet preparation.
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Best Books for NEET & AIIMS Preparation for physics, chemistry and biology:
Physics is considered as one of the most important and difficult subjects. Many students preparing for NEET & AIIMS often feel difficulty in this subject. This is because one needs to have a clear understanding of the various concepts of Mathematics while solving numerical problems and questions based on graphs. Here some of the best books recommended by toppers of NEET and AIIMS.
The syllabus of Chemistry subject is vast and basically has three major branches i.e. Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry & Inorganic Chemistry. NCERT Textbooks are considered as one of the most important books for the preparation of this subject. One should first study NCERT Textbooks and then practice with NCERT At Your Fingertips. If students still get time then they can follow other reference books recommended by NEET Toppers or AIIMS Toppers.
The syllabus of Chemistry subject is vast and basically has three major branches i.e. Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry & Inorganic Chemistry. NCERT Textbooks are considered as one of the most important books for the preparation of this subject. One should first study NCERT Textbooks and then practice with NCERT At Your Fingertips. If students still get time then they can follow other reference books recommended by NEET Toppers or AIIMS Toppers.
Previous years’ papers are the most important resource for the preparation of NEET& AIIMS. Generally, the same questions are not repeated in these entrance exams, but, there are some important concepts from which questions have been frequently asked, year after year.
Students preparing for NEET & AIIMS should first study NCERT (Textbooks & Exemplar), followed by Previous Years Papers ( & NCERT At Your Fingertips (NEET) Physics, Chemistry, Biology ( . If they still get time then they should refer to other reference books given above.
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Syllabus for Biology includes:
Diversity in Living world
Structural Organization in Animal and Plants
Cell Structure and Function
Plant Physiology
Human Physiology
Genetics and Evolution
Biology and Human Welfare
Biotechnology and its applications
Ecology and Environment
Biology Best Books:
NCERT Biology Class XI and Class XII textbooks
Biology Vol 1 and Vol 2 by Trueman
Objective Biology by Dinesh
Objective Botany by Ansari
Pradeep Guide on Biology
GR Bathla publications for Biology
Preparation tips:
Biology is the biggest section in NEET, comprising about half of the exam, and acing this subject can help you in scoring more in the exam. Human Physiology and Genetics have maximum weightage in NEET. It is advisable to practise questions of Genetics from previous year question papers, which will give you a thorough understanding of how the questions are being asked. Topics of Plant and Animal kingdom have a lot of portion to memorize. You can prepare these topics by making a comparative table for the sub-topics and studying it together. Plant physiology is also equally important and easy to score. For more tips, please visit our page at:
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