Is online classes available in madras University distance education?
Hey Nandhu!
Madras University is considered the mother of almost all the old Universities of South India. Established in 1857, it is one of the three oldest universities in India, along with the University of Calcutta and the University of Mumbai. The University imparts both Under Graduate and Post Graduate Education through the Affiliated Institutions which are spread over the districts of Chennai, Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram. The institution of Distance Education (IDE) is a part of the university of Madras.
IDE offers printed learning materials, personal contact programmes and a wide network of study centres in India and abroad. They conduct practical classes for students at the study centres which they are required to attend. Practical Examination will be conducted only at the end of the Practical classes at the PCP centres for those who have earned necessary attendance and made requires progress by completing the record note books during Main Examinations. Candidiates should be serious for project work, practicals and attendance at PCP classes as advised in prospectus for each course, otherwise candidates will not be allowed for main examinations.
Application forms can be obtained from the university or study centre or the website. The fees is paid through challan endorsed by the designated banks, Indian Bank or a demand draft in favour of "The Director, IDE, University of Madras", payable at Chennai.
For further queries, you can contact:
The Director
Institute of Distance Education, university of Madras
IDE Building, Chepauk, Chennai - 600005
Telephone: 044-25613716
All the best!