is SBI bank PO exam difficult to crack ?
Every exam has their own difficulty level. SBI Bank PO exam isn't really difficult to crack given you have practiced a number of past years paper and apply a clear strategy from very beginning. The SBI Bank PO exam is attempted by a large number of people every year which makes it difficult to crack and not paper difficulty level. The only factor that plays here is time. The faster you solve the questions with 100 percent accuracy the more you will score.
Check out the following links it will help ypu understand the paper pattern, syllubas, attempts and more things regarding sbi bank po-
I hope this helps.
SBI PO is one of the highly competitive exam in banking, and it's level is definitely pretty high, but if your concepts are clear then you can definitely qualify it, for instance the level of questions preferabli in quant and reasoning are high, for candidates who don't have maths background, they need to start fresh and gain conceptual clarity, and practice matters a lot, especially in these two areas, practice is the key to success, hence it's important you go through mock papers on regular basis for evaluation, and apply test series prior to exam, an exam of such high scale first of it's important you make a routine and accordingly assign number of hours to each subject, and keep resources minimal, that's very important, read newspaper such as The Hindu or The Indian Express along with The Economic Times on daily basis, this will help you cover dynamic portion in current affairs and at the last moment you don't have to mug up all.