Is smart watch allowed in Kumaraguru College of Technology?
Read the information below -
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore is a private Engineering College started in 1984 under the auspices of Ramalinga Adigalar Foundation, a charitable educational trust of Sakthi Group.
According to college rules, you are not allowed to use mobile phones or watches.
But, you can use watch in premises.
Watches including any electrical appliances are not allowed during class lectures.
Some colleges have strict rules written on the notice boards.
For better, you can check the notice boards of your college on regular basis.
I hope you are doing fine, Yes mobile phones and smart watches are allowed in Kumaraguru College of Technology but you cannot use your mobile phones or any other electronic equipment's inside the class. Same goes with your exams, you cannot carry your smart watch during any of the examinations.
I hope you find this information helpful. I wish you all the best for your future.
Good Luck
I hope you are doing well.
Smart watches are usually allowed at some colleges and at some they aren’t allowed.
So, this totally depends on the rules and regulations of that particular college whether they allow smart watch for their students or not.
I would suggest you to look after the rules and regulations which will be provided to you by the institution during your admission, there all the regulations will be mentioned and you will get a clarity then if you could wear the smart watch to college or not.
I hope the above information helps.
All the very best.