is SSN engineering college for CSE good? and what makes SSN exceptional?
SSN Institution provide a variety of stimulating environment s for intellectual development,free thinking and personal growth,challenging its students with dynamic learning opportunities and equipping them with the skills,insights, attitudes and practical experiences that are necessary to take up responsibilities in the society.SSN college has extraordinary infrastructure,best staff and good placements.Many top product based companies like Amazon,Zoho,Musigma,latent view and service-based companies like Wipro,Accenture,TCS,Infosys visit college for placement.Every year around 50 students from the department pursue summer internships at prestigious companies including Google,Amazon,SAP Labs, Microsoft.About 99% of the students from CSE branch got placed during campus placement.The salary package range from 3.5LPA to 11LPA.The primary objective of this department is to provide a high quality computer science education to students from all over India as well as aboard and across all economic strata.The UG program BE(CSE) has been accredited by NBA for five years,for the third time.The PG program ME(CSE) has been accredited by NBA for five years for second time. The CSE department has state of the art laboratory facilities,WiFi enabled class rooms with laptops and overhead projectors to facilitate e-learning,a well equipped seminar hall and a well stocked department library.The CSE department has 34 dedicated and highly qualified faculty members who inculcate to students both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a balanced manner.This department organizes guest lectures periodically from eminent faculty members of reputed academic institutes or experienced professionals from various top notch industries.This department has active student chapters of professional societies such as ACM,CSI and IEEE as well as a code chef campus chapter which regularly conduct coding competition and session on open source software development.This department has organised 4 international conference and 3 national conferences. And also this department periodically organizes various short term training program, Faculty Development Program and National Seminar sponcered by AICTE,Anna University and ACM Education comittee. SSN engineering college has this much and much more prerequisites which made it Exceptional.
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