Is the stream industrial engineering very effective at cet
Hello Ajay Krishnam R M,
Even for me at 12th grade it was difficult to choose a carrier other than engineering Inspite of getting engineer seat i didn't join engineering college. Thanks to God. A mere research of engineering from future perspective
USA produces around 1 lakh Engineers per year for a $ 16 Trillion Economy.
India produces 15 lakhs Engineers for a $ 2 Trillion Economy.
The earlier mass recruiting sector was Manufacturing. It used to recruit from the core branches like Electrical Mechanical, Civil etc. But, Manufacturing is relatively stagnant at 17% of the GDP. So the core branch placements have become very difficult.
The more recent mass recruiter was the IT sector. It grew from scratch to almost 5% of the GDP in a short time. IT Employed millions of engineers.
Now, IT is also saturating. Only good, skilled IT Engineers are in demand.
If you look at the sectoral composition of Indian economy, most of the sectors do not need engineers. Tourism is 10% of the GDP, does not require engineers. Financial sector, Trade, Hotels and Restaurants do not require engineers. Requirement of engineers in Health, education, Agriculture is also negligible.
More than 50% of the GDP has no role for Engineers. Still most of Indian youth are becoming Engineers. The situation is not sustainable .
Demand is low while supply is high. Over and above this, skill level of an average engineer is poor, almost its non-existent in many cases. If we leave aside the top 100–200 colleges, most fresh engineers have no idea of what they studied. Ask a fresh mechanical engineer, can s/he design a simple frame?
Today the situation is that most engineers are working in a field that has no connection to what they have studied in the college. This is a waste of resources.
Engineering degree does not come cheap. It costs about 10-15 lakhs. For poor parents, its a huge burden. When their son / daughter is not able to secure a job, they are devastated.
For the nation, you can calculate the loss. Leave around 1 lakh engineers that NASSCOM says are employable. The rest 14 lakhs have each wasted 10 lakhs of fees. That totals to around $ 20 Billion. Almost equal to the Government’s spending on healthcare. Over this, there is loss of human capital.
India need to replan the whole engineering education system. Goverment need to cut down on the number of colleges and improve the quality in the rest.
Also students should explore other career options than everyone becoming Engineers.
When it comes to education, a multitude of options are available today! From Aviation, to Hotel Management, Short Term Programs to big movie production courses , Data science, cyber security, Information Security, Cloud Technology Designing, Indian Armed Forces, Animation and VFX, Digital Marketing, Film Making, Technology Courses like SQL, PHP, Big Data, C, C++, etc. and much more!
For a majority of courses like these, there are entrance exams too, such as the NATA, CEED, NID entrance, NIFT entrance, NDA entrance, MBA Entrance, Hotel Management entrance, CET, NEET and many more! Here, the right training goes a long way in getting your child admission to their dream institute! Do you know what are the top career Tracks of 2018 other than engineering ?? See the following list.
Industrial engineers are concerned with planning, measuring and controlling all activities within the organization, besides designing the production process for a product. It deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people, materials, equipment and energy in productive ways. Industrial Engineering is related to understanding, development and implementation of systems involving human being and other resources. It is learning about the methods to manage and optimum utilization of resources available by applying mathematical and engineering tools.
1. Animation, VFX and Multimedia
2. Fashion Design, Event Management and Interior decoration.
3. Aeronautical and Aviation
4. Film making, Script Writing and Acting.
5. Engineering computer, IT, cloud and data science.
6. Networking, information security.
7. Beauty, Modelling and Cosmetology
8. Fitness, dietitian and nutritionist
9. Foreign languages.
10. Music and Dance.
So i request every parents let your child choose his/her own carrier n get them excel and flourish!!!
For more information please visit this link:
Hope this helps...
Thank you and all the best...

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