Is there a facility in of som lalit college, ahmedabad that the university exams can be given later on if exams of CA are clashed with exams??
Answer (1)
If CA exams are being clashed with BCom papers then I would suggest that give CA papers because your attempt would be more important. No college pushes its papers for CA exams. You will have to give a re-examination. Re exams can be given in the another semester. Often May attempt papers are clashed with college papers, so the college papers can be given in next May.
If CA exams are being clashed with BCom papers then I would suggest that give CA papers because your attempt would be more important. No college pushes its papers for CA exams. You will have to give a re-examination. Re exams can be given in the another semester. Often May attempt papers are clashed with college papers, so the college papers can be given in next May.
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