Is there a negative marking in the CGBSE 12th exam?
No, there are no negative markings in the CGBSE 12th board exam . However, you must contact the CGBSE board and enquire to confirm the latest CGBSE exam guidelines.
Hello aspirant,
Each paper will receive a maximum score of 100. No negative marking will be applied. Inaccurate responses or questions that are not attempted will receive zero marks. To pass the exam overall, students must receive at least 35 points, or an overall score of 33%, in each topic.
For complete information about this exam, you can visit our site through following link:
Thank you
There is no negative marking in the CGBSE 12th exam . Here are the key points about CGBSE marking system :
- The Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) follows a traditional marking system without penalty for incorrect answers.
- Only correct answers are awarded marks based on the subject's marking scheme.
- The exam format includes multiple-choice, short answer, and descriptive questions.
- It's important to attempt as many questions as possible, as there is no risk of losing marks for wrong answers.
- Focus on accuracy and understanding of the subjects for better performance.
Hope it helps !
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