Is there any chance to get top10 rank in jee advanced within 9 months?
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As according to the data It is getting to be tough or say the toughest task of all time!! 9 month is
extremely limited time for getting a rank under 10. As you recognize that students invest even their 4
years for the preparation of IIT-Advance. But don’t get panic you continue to have an opportunity and
you'll enhance you performance tons for getting such rank in JEE in 9 month.
Just read this answer straight to the top . See you've got 9 month firstly find out that what proportion
sllybus you've got completed and don’t be panic if you're ranging from the scratch. So first of all get the
simplest books for JEE especailly which are written from the advance point of view. you'll read my
answer best books for jee advance. Once you're through with the choice of book now what you would
like may be a plan. A schedule which will teach you ways you've got to take a position some time .
For getting rank under 10 you've got to be bonafide altogether the three subjects and particularly in
mathematics. Maths is that the one which can hail you to the success of desirable rank. you've got to
review 12–14 hours each day and confine mind that you simply aren't gonna waste any single day for
the later 6 months. For mathematics you hav to devote atleast 6 hours daily, and be quick in grasping
concepts soo that you simply can practice enough. Start with trigonometry because it's the foremost
used chapter in JEE mathematics. specialise in calculus, confine mind that you simply need to focus hard
thereon topic which usually students find diificult, then only you'll be ready to get such rank. Hold a
command over complex numbers, calculus, probability.
These are those topics which students finds difficult. Now coming to physics, study phyiscs atleast 4
hours daily, and in phyiscs even be quick with the concept and begin practicing the numericals, as you
don’t have enough time, start with kinematics then slowly pace up with other chapters. foucus hard on
SHM, wave optics, magnetic effect of EC, NLM. For chemostry devote 3–4 hours daily, practice organic
after clearing the concept. focus hard on inorganic because most of the scholar leave inorganic and you
ought to be prepare this good, it'll offer you an whip hand over the opposite students.
Some tips-
• Prepare short notes of every subject they're very helpful.
• Prepare formuale book for maths and physics in order that you'll revise whenever you would
like .
• learn the entire table , it'll reduces tons of effort of your while understanding organic concepts.
• Give test on every sunday.And be honest with youself.
• Analyse your performance and write down tha analytics in order that you've got a record of you
• Be consistent, don’t lose you pace.
• Don’t be panic, it'll not gonna assist you but will just increase your problem.
• Practice the maximum amount as you and don’t lose hope everything goes to be awsome if you
stay positive.
Hope helpful.
Hey there
There is no synthesised formula to get top 10 rank in jee advanced as it is one of the toughest exams in the world. See the only secret is more and more learning and more and more practice. If you want to be in top you should not leave any chapter and in such a short duration covering all chapters will take hard work and high dedication. Start with your favourite subject do a previous year questions analysis and then first clear theory and then jump to numericals use standard books and Don't change the plan in middle of the preparation give time while making a plan but then stick to it otherwise your time will be wasted.
Check the link
Good luck
hello aspirant,
Yes you can certainly get in the top 10 ranks of JEE advance 2021 if you start preparation from 9 months before the exam, getting the top rank depends upon how smart a person is and how many correct answers one can give in the least possible time, in JEE all it matters is how well studied and prepared you are for the exams, Please follow NCERT and be clear about each concepts of it and practice previous year papers, give lots of mock tests, prepare well and in the end don't do silly mistakes.
Before you give advance you have to clear JEE mains and score good in it for that you can checkout our JEE mains 2021 Knockout package that will help you gain a lot and prepare well for exams, Its already on a discounted price if you book early, Please visit the following site to know more :
I hope if you follow all this you certainly will be able to crack JEE advance standing on one of the top position.
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