is there any clg where distance diploma in psychology is 6 months program???

charmishah1919 10th Feb, 2022
Answers (2)
Prachi Panda 10th Feb, 2022


You cannot find any college where distance diploma in psychology is 6 months.

The course is of 1-2 years depending on what course and university you choose and the eligibility criteria is -

For an undergraduate diploma, you need to pass the 12th standard in any stream from any acknowledged board and with minimum pass marks set out by the university.

For a Post graduate diploma, you either have to complete your bachelor’s degree in psychology or a master’s degree in any  field from any reputed university.

Sree Student Expert 10th Feb, 2022

Dear student,

Mostly you cannot find any College which offers Diploma course in Psychology with course duration 6 months.

In distance mode NCERT in their Regional Centers offers PG Diploma courses in Guidance and Counselling. You can try for it. They offer these courses in three phases -Distance learning in which course is of 6 months internship phase which has 3 months course and Contact Learning phase in which course is for 3 months.

To study Post Graduation Diploma in Psychology you must have minimum 50 percentage in Graduation from a recognised College. Also you must have one year work experience in Psychology for distance learning phase enrollment.

During the course audio/ video and written materials are provided for the candidates.

I hope this information was helpful to you.

Best of Luck!!

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