Is there any difference between simple BBA and BBA with specialisation??
Dear Priyanshu, basically both the courses are more or less same. The difference lies is that you can specialise in a certain subject in BBA(H), while BBA(G) gives you an overview of all those subjects taught in honour's course.
- Eligibility for both the courses are same i.e. 12th class of any stream whether science, commerce or humanities.
- Course duration of BBA(H) is 4 years while for BBA(G) it is of 3 years.
- As with job opportunities honour's have more chances as compared to general.
- In BBA(H) depth knowledge of subject is given while general gives the overview of the subject.
- Specialisation is possible in BBA(H) while it's not possible in BBA(G)
These differences may not fit in other colleges. But generally these are the basic differences between them.
All the best :)
Hope this helps :)