is there any dress code for medical student in rajshree medical college
Hi student!
Yes there is a definite dress code for both girls and boys in Rajshree Medical college.
For girls it is: White Salwar Suit, OR White Pant Shirt. Sky blue sweater in winters.
And for boys it is: White Shirt, white pants, white socks, black Oxford shoes, sky blue sweater in winters.
White full sleeves Apron is mandatory to all male & female students.
For more details view the following site: 2520to%2520 Freshers.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjwgIWrzLHtAhWq7XMBHfBFDZ4QFjABegQIARAF&usg= AOvVaw2LFZRm1CI5tj_nk7xrJbOh&cshid= 1606991259922
Hope this helps!
Thank you!