is there bsc agri in this college
Answer (1)
Greetings aspirant!
Bhonsala military college doesn't offer Bsc in agriculture. The courses which is offered my this institution are Bsc, BSc in computer science, BA, MA, BBA, Msc and diploma degrees.
Admission into these courses is done through an entrance test followed by an interview. For undergraduate courses candidates are required to pass 10+2 and seat for a written exam followed by an interview. For postgraduate courses candidates should have a bachelors degree and have to appear for a written exam followed by an interview.
To know more about the college, click the link
Hope it helps.
Bhonsala military college doesn't offer Bsc in agriculture. The courses which is offered my this institution are Bsc, BSc in computer science, BA, MA, BBA, Msc and diploma degrees.
Admission into these courses is done through an entrance test followed by an interview. For undergraduate courses candidates are required to pass 10+2 and seat for a written exam followed by an interview. For postgraduate courses candidates should have a bachelors degree and have to appear for a written exam followed by an interview.
To know more about the college, click the link
Hope it helps.
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