is there or if, so what is the retirement age in merchant navy?
As per your question As per Seamen’s employment agency order the retirement age is 60 yrs. This rule
also provided discretion to the Director – Seamen’s employment agency , to allow employment of
seamen over 60 years aged , but not exceeding 65, provided the ship owner accepts the engagement of
the seaman and therefore the prescribed medical authority declares him medically ‘Fit’ before
However, along side the advantages of merchant navy, there are risks also . The grass isn't all green. We
witness situations involving operational failures resulting in business loss and private injuries which
could scar us for a lifetime and leave us unfit to be stumped again.
The maximum age for retirement is 60.
But I've see some exceptions. It's all depends on your medical & fitness . There are some officer's/
Captain who are still serving and are 60+.
Hope helpful.