Is this a specialisation degree in MBA? And if yes, is it recommended that one should persue this degree from a college in India?
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Hello Vishwam,
International Business is a Specialisation degree and It's more or less towards managing foreign and international business.
I would like to tellthat to do such Course prefer Tier 1 and 2 College only, else placement may be an issue for such College
Hope it clears your doubts. All the best
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Hi Vishwam,
As far as I know, IB is more of a course than a specialisation. Being an MBA student myself, I studied this course in my second year. Most colleges do not provide this course. Specialisations are Marketing, Operations, Finance, HR etc and IB is a course.
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Try NowDear Vishwam
MBA degrees in india are more or less general MBA degrees in first year and then students choose specialization in second year. This is the case with most IIMs and other colleges. However there are a anumber of colleges providing specialized degrees for example TISS, IIM ranchi, IIM indore, XLRI, SPJAIN, IIFT etc.
You can choose according to your interest.
Hi Vishwam,
Yes there are lort of colleges that offer specialisation degree in MBA. Like TISS (HR), IIFT (International Foreign Trade) and many more. But there are many elite colleges (All IIM's) that provides degree in General Management. If you are not sure which specialisation to go for, then IIM's provides all subjects in first year and based on your interest you can select subjects in second year.
In my opinion, over a period of time, it does not matter whether you have specialised degree or a general managemnt degree.
Yes, it is recommended to go for specialised degree from India.
All the Best
Hii Vishwam
Yes there are plethora of colleges which provides specialisation degree in various fields such as logistics management, logistics operations, IT, Human Resources, Finance, marketing fashion technology, interior decorations, hospitality, rural management, healthcare and many more.
Like for media you can go for symbiosis institution. For international foreign trade IIFT, for HR XISS, for rural management and development TISS etc. According to the trend and corporate preference one need to have the overall knowledge how business entity function thats why most of the B colleges will provide you glimpse of all the subjects in first year while in second year you have to choose your specialisation according to your preference.
Good luck for your career ahead.
Most of the colleges do not provide any such specialisation in International Business, however yes definitely they provide this course either as a mandatory subject or an elective.
Specialisation is mostly given for broad subject lines like finance, marketing, operations, Human Resources.
However here's a list of colleges you can consider for international business:
1. Christ University Bangalore
2. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi
3. Symbiosis Institute of Foreign Business, Pune
4. Symbiosis International University, Pune
5. Dr D Y Patil University, Navi Mumbai
Hope this helps
All the best!!
Hi Vishwam,
To answer, yes International Businessi is a well knowed course in MBA colleges. All the procedure to get into IB is as similar to that of normal MBA streams. Not all college lrovide with the option to take a specialization in IB, but to name a few, IIFT, MCI, Wellingkar, BHU.
I would suggest to opt for IIFT and Wellingkar as these are the best colleges. Also scoring a Good CAT perxentperwill help u in every aspect.
All the best.
Hi Vishwam! Yes, International Business is one of the most coveted MBA specialisations that is opted for MBA aspirants. There are several B-schools in India which offer this specialisation and are ranked among the top. It is very much recommended that you pursue this programme from one of the top-ranked B-schools like IIFT or XLRI or XUB etc. To know more about the programme, curriculum and scope, read the following article by Careers360:
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MBA in International Business: For a Global CareerYes, You can persue MBA in International Business Specialization. You can take admission in IIMs, St Xaviers, Delhi University, IIFT, MCI Gurgaon, BHU Varanasi.
IIFT is best for International Business and Foreign Trade Degree.
You have to appear in CAT, GMAT, MAT, CMAT for admission in these top colleges.
Good Luck.
There are a lot of colleges providing a lot of specializations in a lot of fields. I'd mention a top few colleges. (Not ranking them in any order)
Human Resources - IIM Ranchi, XLRI, SCMHRD, TISS, MDI.
Marketing and Finance - IIM-B,A,C,K,L,I,T, IIFT, XLRI, SIBM, NMIMS, SPJAIN, FMS.
Rural Management - IRMA, FMS.
Operation Management- IIM-K,L,B, IIT Mumbai, SIOM, IIT-Madras, IIT-Delhi, VGSOM Kharagpur.
Also there are alot more of them providing specializations within fields as well like Symbiosis has different campuses for Sports management, Media etc.
You can refer to MHRD ratings of Different institutions of 2017 for different Domains online as well.
If a college is on top of a field its preferable to join it for that field because it gives a better ROI for the same. Otherwise if you are not sure which field is good for you joining IIMs is the safest bet for your career for any type of roles given.
Hi Vishwam,
There are certain colleges which gives a specialisation degree in International Business. The name which comes to my mind are IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade) in Delhi and Kolkata. IIFT is in one of the top 20 MBA colleges in India and it would be a wise choice to study there rather than pursuing this degree outside India on a cost basis.