is upes 2021 an easy exam than viteee
Dear leaner,
Easy paper, hard paper? it depends on how you prepare for exam. Be cool keep revising your basics because the only area you can score high when you don't know the answer.
So upes and viteee both are private sector the institutions have their own rules and exams .
Let's see upes exam pattern
It is computer based.
Duration is 2 hours , no negative marks and for correct answer they attains 1 mark .
Maths -35 marks
Chemistry-35 Marks
English language and comprehensive-20marks
Total -120
Also you can directly get admission without attaining exam contact them 9873841048.
Now coming to viteee , compared to upes it has less questions.
Mode of exam -online
Duration is 90 mins ,no negative marks and attains 1 mark for every correct answer
Section of MCQ includes
Maths -25 marks
Physics-25 marks chemistry-25 marks
Aptitude -3 marks
English -2 marks
Total -80
So hardness depends on the branch you desire for and your preparation for that
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