is vit AP good as compared to Chennai..?
There are a ton of upsides and downsides of VIT AP
The grounds is new and has new classes and lodging rooms.
You can have potential open doors like dealing with the occasions and beginning a club in your first or second year as you have no seniors.
The development might have an effect on your wellbeing and it could be hard assuming you're dust unfavorably susceptible
The city of amravati doesn't have anything right now you need to go to guntur or vijaywada which is around 30 kilometers from the grounds and finding public vehicle is an issue.
You don't have seniors, seniors can be exceptionally useful on occasions such as course enrollment and all as they have insight yet you can't track down help in VIT AP
The clubs are not completely set up. You have no vehicle groups, and so on.
Any place you concentrating on VIT chennai or VIT AP you'll need to go to VIT vellore for positions.
As indicated by my perspective VIT AP is great and VIT chennai is awesome. It depends on your choice. Choose wisely!
While Vit Ap has branches that specialise, Vit Chennai does not. Amravati, which will be India's most technologically advanced metropolis, is where Vit Ap is being constructed. And a lot of new companies are anticipated to come to the AP campus to recruit. The lectures and hostels rooms on the site are new.Since you have less seniors in your first or second year, you may take advantage of chances like coordinating the activities and founding a club.
The projected Amravati campus model is of the highest calibre. Additionally, this campus works with RIT USA. Consequently, VIT AP offers students more chances than other VIT locations.
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