Its Lpu nest is easy exam or hard?
LPUNEST exam is neither tough or hard. it totally depend upon you that how much effort you are putting in your studies,Further you will get all information related to the LPUNEST exam from the NEST website ,you can download the syllabus,sample question paper and previous question paper which helps you to prepare for the exam so that you can easily qualify the exam.
Hi there , the level of LPUNEST will be moderate . If you prepare test properly, only then you will be able to qualify it with good marks and get maximum scholarship . There will be mcq questions and no negative marking . You will get two chances to qualify test . If somehow you will not able to appear in first chance then you will get second chance after declaring result of first chance .
Thank you .
Hi Vivek, LPU NEST is an entrance test conducted by LPU for admission in various programs. It aims to check how far the concepts from the previous qualification are clear. It's tough but those who have studied honestly will be able to make it. Don't you worry, the syllabus of LPU NEST is all that you have studied in your previous qualification? In addition to it, there are questions of reasoning, verbal ability, analytical ability are also there.
LPU NEST is a proctored exam and questions are asked in the form of MCQs. The result is displayed on the dashboard of the student after 24 hrs. One gets two chances of attempting LPU NEST. The best of the two results will be applicable for a scholarship. One has to register oneself with the university and pay online for taking LPU NEST.
It is really very easy.You don't need to worry if you have completed your preparations from ncert books.Most of the questions are directly asked from ncert books and will be of easy to moderate level.
So i will recommend you to solve its previous years questions to analyse pattern of the exam.
Good luck.
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