jee advance chapter wise topics
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Hello Aspirant,
JEE Advanced topic wise
Rotational Motion
Thermodynamics (Thermal Physics)
Modern Physics
Chemical bonding
Coordination compound
Salt analysis
Ionic equilibrium
Thermodynamics & thermochemistry
Aldehydes and ketones
Aromatic hydrocarbons
GOC isomerism
Liquid solutions
Alkyl halides and aryl halides
Complex Number
Conic Section
Vector & 3 D
Trigonometric Equation
Properties of Triangles
Quadratic Equation
Sequence and Series
Permutations and combination
For More Information I'm providing you a link that might help you:
I hope this information would be helpful for you
All the best!!
Hello Aspirant,
Firstly you should stick to an timetable and syllabus and get your things done off.
So I have shared the topics and an some tips to help you clear JEE Advance and if your work hard you will surely crack it.
Here is a compiled a list of the most important topics for JEE that you should focus on while studying:
- Kinematics
- Law of Motion
- Work Power Energy
- Rigid Body Dynamics and Rational Motion
- Fluid Mechanics
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Waves and Oscillations
- Electrostatics
- Magnetism
- Current Electricity
- Optics
- Modern Physics
- Alternating Current and Electromagnetic Induction
Equations and formulas plays an important role in scoring marks in JEE chemistry. It tests your memory also.Practice previous years question papers, because chances of repeated questions is relatively high in chemistry.
- Mole Concept
- Atomic Structure
- Periodicity
- Chemical and Molecular Bonding
- States of Matter
- Electro chemistry and Redox reactions
- Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium
- General Organic Chemistry
- Hydrogen
- Solutions and Colligative Properties
- Chemical Kinetics
- Coordination compounds
- P block , D&F block elements
- Metallurgy
Often the JEE maths questions appears to be easy, but always they come with hidden tricks. Be sure that you have made a proper understanding of questions carefully before attempting.
- Relations and functions
- Trigonometric Functions
- Complex Numbers
- Binomial Theorem
- Sequences and Series
- Straight lines and Family of lines
- Conic Sections
- Statistics
- Matrices and Determinants
- Limits Continuity and Differentiation
- Application of Derivatives
- Definite Integration
- Vectors and 3D
- Differential Equation
- Probability
- Quadratic Equations
Having at least 2 strong subjects in PCM
- Each one of us has a subject that we’re better at than the other subjects. Use this to your advantage.
- A rule of thumb is that if you are strong in all three subjects, then getting a top 1000 AIR is ensured. Being strong in at least 2 out of 3 subjects will ensure your AIR spot in the top 10000, which is good enough to get you to an IIT.
- If you believe that Physics & Maths are something you can handle, but Organic Chemistry scares you, then ensure that you are thorough with your understanding of all topics in Physics & Maths. That way, when your JEE finally comes around, you will not be afraid if your Chemistry paper is tougher than expected.
Study Material:
- For someone preparing from zero level, it can be daunting to look at high level books. Do not brainstorm with those books.
- We need simple and precise books that cover the basics well. I think no other book can deliver it in spades than NCERT. These books are simple with concise definitions and simple examples.
- NCERT books should be your best friends for one year as there are not many books that can cover the fundamentals as nicely as NCERT.
- Solve every question and examples of the NCERT Textbook and essential books like Universal Errorless Book ( .
- You can always refer to higher level books once the fundamentals are clear.
Mock test
- Competing against time is one of the most efficient ways to calibrate your progress. Try various mock test papers which are readily available on the internet.
- It is advisable to do a particular set of questions twice or thrice than doing different sets of various books. The primary objective is to get a firm hold of the concept.
Do not plunge deep in complex topics
Some students start exploring the depths of some complex topics like Modern Physics, Chemical mechanisms, etc. Although it never hurts to gain extra knowledge, you must realise that it won’t supplement your JEE preparation
All the Best!
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