jeemains 2020 qualified cut off for sc category is 50 i got 56 nta score , can i get. at least low range government college ?
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Your estimated rank is between 140698 - 172848 in common rank list and your rank based on category is between 6320 - 7970. Based on this rank you have chances in NIT Nagaland,NIT Jamshedpur, NIT Mizoram etc. You also have chances in good government colleges as well as private colleges but a generalised prediction is not possible since every colleges have their own admission criteria. This is not accurate since entering and closing ranks varies every year. To know the cut off trends you can check the following articles.
To know about your chances please use the college predictor given below
Please use it for knowing your chances. All the best.
Hello aspirant, hope you are doing good.
So, firstly congratulations for qualifying JEE Mains. Now, the fact that you have scored just above the cutoff, you have slight chances of getting some good government colleges, but the chances are really low. Even in category ranks, there is a lot of competition now.
To get over all the dilemma and worries, i would suggest you to use our college predictor tool, so that you can get a sure shot list of all the colleges that you can get into with your JEE Mains rank :
Hope this helps you. Good Luck!!
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