JNU Jaipur vs Manav Rachna Faridabad which is best for BBA
For BBA, JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSiTY is best. The BBA curriculum meets corporate requirements. Professionalism and management skills are inculcated among the students both at the conceptual and empirical levels. Efforts are made to motivate students to realize their goals in difficult and divergent situations through various interactive sessions and assignments.
Career Prospects
Students can pursue a career in the streams of MBA, Chartered Accountant (CA) Company Secretary (CS), Management related Jobs, etc.
Coveted career options in civil services, including Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Economic Services and many others.
Plenty of executive career option in Business Organizations.
BBA graduates can go into the banking sector.
Visit: https://www.jnujaipur.ac.in
I would like to tell you that between JNU Jaipur and Manav Rachna Faridabad it would be bettee to go for JNU Jaipur as it has a better placement and academics record. JNU also has a record of organising various co curricular activities for the students as well.
All the best. I hope this was helpful to you.