last date to apply for Btech computer science and engineering course
Hello Samridhi Garg
If you are interested in Computer Science Engineering(CSE) you lot of scope to join in this course every college is offering this course due present trending in techology. This course brought lot of change in our world. But you didn't mentioned which college you are interested or which college willing to join for your B.Tech admission.
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Hi samridhi ! Last date to apply will be known to you through counselling process. Keep a sharp notice on the website of concerned exam. You haven't mentioned the name of exam. But still tentatively last date to apply is 2nd week of June or the last week of June. So stay tuned and best of luck to you.
Hello Samridhi!
It depends upon which college you want to apply for which competition. Mostly all colleges start before or by first week of august. However, please mention the competition and the college you want to apply for.
we will be glad to help you.
All the best!