LLB 3 year best college in India
Below are the top colleges for LLB 3 year
-Faculty of Law- Law Centre I&II and Campus Law Centre
-Law School, Faculty of Law BenarasHindu University
-Jindal Global Law School OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat
-Department of Law, PU Chandigarh
-All law colleges in AP affiliated to state universities
-Four Govt. law colleges in Kerala
-Department of Law, KU Kurukshetra
-Department of Law, MDU Rohtak
-Rajeev Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT Kharagpur
Good Luck!!
There are many colleges for 3 years law programmes And each universities has own admission criteria. There is no any common entrance exam for this programme. I am giving you some of the name which you can prefer.
Faculty of Law, Delhi University- Own entrance exam
Banaras Hindu University- BHULLB entrance exam
Government Law college- MAH CET
Good Luck!
You can go through the below names -
Faculty of Law, Delhi University
Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University
Government Law College, Mumbai
ILS Law College, Pune
Department of Law, Punjab University, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, India Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad
Department of Law, Allahabad University etc.
Hope this helps!!!