MA Sociology syllabus for jnu entrance exam
The syllabus for sociology in JNU is as follows:
Syllabus for master's in sociology is more or less same in almost all universities.
The syllabus covers history of social thought, social stratification concepts and theories, populations and society, social dimensions of development, urban sociology, peasant and rural sociology in India, sociology of family, industrial sociology, sociology of health - concepts and organizational theory, sociology of legal systems, interpretation of sociological theories, methods and techniques in social research, basic methods in population studies, social development in India, sociology of gender roles, political sociology, determinants and concepts of population growth, sociology of human migration, rural development in India, environmental crisis and sustainable development, political economy of industrialisation and labour, community health, social problems, etc.
Core courses and elective courses are included in the syllabus. Duration of the course is two years.
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Candidates are expected to display a good research aptitude, analytical skills and usage of social science perspectives in answering questions from the following list of themes.
1. Thinkers o Classical Thinkers: Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber o Advanced Social Theories : Postmdernism, Postcolonialism and Poststructuralism o Study of Monographs: Evans-Pritchard, Brownislaw Mallinowski, Edmund Leach, Margaret Mead, Clifford Geertz
2. Philosophical Foundation of Theories and Methodology
3. Social Research/Research Methodology: Quantitative and Qualitative Positivism, Interpretivism
4. Social Structure, Continuity and Change
5. Theories of Culture
6. Social Stratification: Gender, Caste, Class, Tribe, Ethnicity, Disability
7. Kinship, Family and Marriage
8. Social Inequalities and Movements
9. Education and Society
10. Religion and Society
11. State, Polity and Society
12. Economy and Society
13. Social Issues
14. Agrarian and Urban Sociology
15. Indian Sociology
16. Industrial/Corporate Sociology
17. Modernization, Globalization and Development
18. Media Studies