mat 600 score how much attempt i have to do
Hello Aspirant,
The MAT exam consists of objective type questions. The candidates have to select the correct answer out of the options given. There are 5 sections with 200 questions in total. The duration of MAT exam is 150 minutes or 2 hours 30 minutes and there is as such no sectional time limit which allows candidates to move back and forth between the sections.Every candidate gets one mark for every correct answer and 0.25 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer. But the score obtained is a composite score, from a total of 800. Scores are calculated on the basis of 4 sections. Hence scoring is done out of a maximum possible score of 160 marks. A 75%+ plus attempt in each section and overall is a good place to be in. Having said that, it doesn't guarantee a 99.99. For a 99.99 in MAT, one needs to attempt close to 140-150+ questions with good accuracy.
All the best
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