Maulana azad college hostel are available?
Hello STudent
There are 600 borders in the boys and girls hostels of Maulana Azad College. The college is in Kolkata, Rafi Ahmed kidwai road Taltala. There is girls hostel where hundred boarders can be accommodated. There are boys hostel of Maulana Azad College where 500 borders can be accommodated. There are 1500 students in total of Maulana Azad College out of which 50% students are girls student. The demand for girls hostels is growing everyday. Selection of borders of Maulana Azad College hostel-Candidate should be from Muslim community, selection will be based on district wise, selection will be made from the application received from the district of one third students will be allowed for taking boarded ,boarding at hostel strictly will be on the basis of merit. The ratio of accommodation in the hostel is 1: 3
The boys hostel of Maulana Azad college is -Baker's government hostel. 8 Smith Lane, Kolkata 13.
Girls hostel of Maulana Azad College-19 Haji Mohammad Mohsin road. Kolkata 16
In hostels there are library, common room, TV, computer room, health helping assistance, CCTV camera throughout the hostel areas, and the decent dining hall.