mca or be/btech ??? msc or msc ??? salary wise ????
There will always remain a professional gap between under graduates and post graduates in the job market but sometimes the university of graduation matters a lot. So salary wise, a graduate from IIT or a top NIT would probably get a better package than an MCA graduate fighting in the same market.
There will always remain a professional gap between under graduates and post graduates in the job market but sometimes the university of graduation matters a lot. So salary wise, a graduate from IIT or a top NIT would probably get a better package than an MCA graduate fighting in the same market.
As far as expertise is concerned, some companies have clear indications for applying as to whether they want only under graduates or would prefer post graduates to apply. being MCA with some job experience before hand can put you into a better position, salary wise, than some graduate in general.
It is all subjective, based on college placements, experience, exposure, internship experience, academic performance, work experience, CV value, etc.
You cannot assess properly why some students at IIT Powai get 2 crores of package when an MCA with 5 years job experience still earns under 10 lacs per annum. Skill, exposure, opportunities, they all matter when you talk about salary.