Measuremeu of Radioactive pharmaceutical
Radioactive Pharmaceutical is a group of Pharmaceutical drug containing radioactive isotopes. These materials emit radiations in themselves.
The measurement of radioactivity of any Radioactive material is done by R-E-A-D as follows:
1. R - Radioactivity: The radioactivity refers to the amount of atoms decayed in a unit time. The no. of atoms decayed is measured in terms of Curie and Becqueral.
2. E - Exposure : It describes the amount of radiation traveling through the air. Many radiation monitors measure exposure. The units for exposure are the roentgen and coulomb/kilogram (C/kg).
3. A - Absorption : It describes the amount of radiation absorbed by an object or person. It is measured in terms of Gray.
4. D - Dose Equivalent : It is the combination of the amount of radiation absorbed and the medical effects of that type of radiation. It also defines the amount of energy that a radioactive source deposits in living tissue It is measured in terms of roentgen equivalent man or sievert.
The radioactivity of any material is the total effect of R-E-A-D.
Best Wishes.