Media management is helpful in mba or not. Also which college is best for media management. Plz suggest. Academics is not soo good.
Hi Rohit! Media or Communication Management is best suited for aspirants with high creative quotient. Apart from that, other qualities that aspirants should possess include critical perspective, general awareness, and sound knowledge of tools and specialised skills. The students should also have the ability to adapt as media industry is one of the most volatile sectors which bring about frequent changes and new trends. As for example, the traditional mediums of print, television and radio are getting engulfed in the mobile screens. Hence, the primary criterion for communication and media managers should be to be updated and produce relevant products for the consumers.
The top colleges offering Media & Communication Management are:
MICA, Ahmedabad
Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication, Pune
FLAME University, Pune
Amity University, Noida
If you can perform well in your entrance test and GD/GE/WAT and PI rounds, you have a good chance in getting selected.