Mp nmms result district chhatarpur
The Rajya Shiksha Kendra is expected to announce the National Means cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS) results for Madhya Pradesh , including Chhatarpur district, in February 2025. Once released, the merit list of selected candidates will be available on the official website:
To check the NMMS result for Chhatarpur district, follow these steps:
1. Visit the official website
2. Navigate to the Circulars section on the homepage.
3. Look for the link titled 'NMMS Madhya Pradesh result 2024-25' and click on it.
4. A PDF containing the merit list will open.
5. Use the search function to find your name or roll number in the list.
The merit list will include details such as the student's name, roll number and other relevant information. Students who qualify will be eligible for a scholarship of Rs12,000 per annum.
hope this helps you .
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