Ms ramaiah university of applied science vs BIT
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Go for MS Ramaiah University of Applied Science
Placements : Up to now 80 % of the students have been placed though this is the first batch to be out of the college. And I think it will be a good platform for coming batches as the university management had being tied up with many multinational companies and around the abroad with many good results. Like the highest salary was 10 Lacs and the lowest was 5 Lacs, the bosch, wipro, infosis, and many more, where students were given a chances based on their capabilities.
Infrastructure : Classroom and library is very good but sports and games are not so upto the mark as I don't know why the management is not considering the fact that even sports is important. Next canteen the food is hygiene and god taste for the money what we pay I think its worth paying money, hostel facilities are provided good enough for girls at the camp is it self but for boys the management had tied up with other PGs. ). Overall the infrastructures of the college is well and good but the camp is not big as u expect. It is good in what it has.
Faculty : The faculty members are well qualified and all are almost Masters and Ph.D. holders, as our college is great venue for research we too get lectures from those who are experienced for many years on that particular topic. In our university they use a concept called credit based education system which helps in taking every subject in to our real life applying of knowledge practically than expressing theoretically. The student to faculty ratio is about 10:1 and we do get industry esposures.