Msrimvs Sdmimd which is best b school
Both are the good colleges. As per the analyzing report of Careers360 MSRIM & SDMIMD have AAA+ rating which means good. The rating is based on the research of the college on the placement, Faculty & Corporate Exposure etc. The companies visit to the campus MSRIM like Companies like Deloitte, Honeywell, Societe Generale, KPMG, Goldman Sachs, ICICI, HSBC, HDFC etc. You can check the complete placement with the given below link.
The companies visit to the campus like Companies like TCS, Infosys, Moody's Analytics, HDFC Limited, TTK Prestige, Ujjivan financials, SKS Microfinance, ESAF, Morgan Stanley, Mahindra Finance etc. You can check the complete placement with the given below link.
You can aslo check the genuine reviews of the colleges with the given below links.
Good Luck!