My 10th marksheet has my name as "pratham" where as in my Aadhar card has my name as "pratham arora" i have given aadhar for update but it is taking time , can i fill my cuet form ? with my old aadhar card?
Yes, you can fill your CUET form with your old Aadhaar card while the update is in process.
What to Do?
1. Use the name from your 10th marksheet (Pratham) in the form.
2. Carry both the old Aadhaar and the update receipt for verification.
3. If needed, inform authorities during document verification.
Since the update takes time, this should not cause major issues.
The discrepancy between your 10th marksheet and Aadhar card can be resolved, but it's essential to handle it carefully while filling out your CUET form.
Also,you can make changes in form during CUET correction window
Key Points:
1. Aadhar Card Update: Since you've already applied for an Aadhar update, wait for the updated card.
2. CUET Form Filling: You can fill out the CUET form using your old Aadhar card, but ensure you follow these steps:
Steps to Follow:
1. Use Old Aadhar Details: Fill in your CUET form using the details from your old Aadhar card.
2. Upload Required Documents: Upload your 10th marksheet and old Aadhar card as required documents.
3. Declaration: In the declaration section, mention the discrepancy between your 10th marksheet and Aadhar card.
4. Update Documents Later: Once you receive your updated Aadhar card, update your documents on the CUET portal, if possible.
1. Keep Records: Keep a record of your old and updated Aadhar cards, as well as your 10th marksheet.
2. Be Prepared: Be prepared to provide additional documentation or clarification during the admission process, if required.
By following these steps, you can fill out your CUET form while awaiting your updated Aadhar card.