my brother gave entrance on may 8,2022 for bjmc course and still haven't got the mail about result kindly look into the matter as we are uncertain about results and donot know whether to apply for other colleges or not.kindly look into the matter.
Hi there,
It is a concern for sure but you must check the official website for the results and their announcements if the result is announced then check the same from the official link and then confirm yourself.
If the results are out and yours is not there then kindly mail or ask from the helpline numbers regarding this issue.
Donot wait for the results if you are not getting any response from the officials. Apply for different colleges as you can not moss the chance.
So go for it without any second thought.
Also, I would suggest you to mention the name of the college for whoch you have applied and and I can provide yoh the relevant information regarding this.
Hope this answer help you.
thank you!!!