my jee main percentile is 96.2 I AM a girl of obc category .suggest me some good colleges .and I have completed my 12 th and 10 th exam from rajasthan.but I am from bihar
As per our rank predictor at
With 96.2 percentile,
----------------------------)Your rank will be around 38874 - 43700 and obc rank around 10k-11k
With your rank , you have chances in following which are listed below -
-----------) National Institute of Technology, Manipur:- electrical engineering
-----------) National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh:- Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)
-----------) Indian Institute of Information Technology(IIIT) Dharwad:- computer science
-----------) Indian Institute of Information Technology(IIIT) Kalyani, West Bengal :- computer science
And more
You can check the closing ranks at official website of josaa by going through the link given below
For previous year cut offs of top colleges like NITs, IIITs , you can also refer our page at :-
NITs :-
Above prediction has been made considering past year cut off data but closing rank for colleges varies every year depending upon many factors like jee main question paper difficulty, number of students writing the exam etc so
To have a personalised report on your chances of getting a college you can go through our college predictor, it will give you complete list of colleges which you can get on the basis of the category you belong to, your home state, your gender etc, the link for jee main college predictor is provided below
To help you further,
To give you an idea of qualifying cut off, JEE mains 2020 qualifying CUT OFF percentile to be eligible for jee advanced is given below for different category
>>>> General :- 90.3765335
>>>> GEN-EWS :- 70.2435518
>>>> OBC-NCL :- 72.8887969
>>>> SC :- 50.1760245
>>>> ST :- 39.0696101
>>>> PwD :- 0.0618524
You can check the same at our page the link is provided below
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