My Native Tamil Nadu. I am studying dairy technology( 1st year .what is the scope that course??
Hey Kuralarasan,
Hey, It does has a scope in india now. Students who complete their B.Tech. degree in dairy technology can go for Master’s degree in dairying. The course offers intensive training in various aspects of production, processing and management.
The postgraduate programme in dairying is offered only by a few institutions in India.
The disciplines that are offered at the PG level for graduates in dairy technology include dairy microbiology, dairy chemistry, dairy technology, dairy engineering, animal biochemistry, animal biotechnology, animal genetics and breeding, livestock production and management, animal nutrition, animal physiology, dairy economics and dairy extension education.
The following agricultural universities or institutes offer higher education facilities in dairy science and technology:
•Dairy Science College (University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore), Hebbal, Bangalore-560 024.
•College of Veterinary Science (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University), Tirupati-517502 (AP).
•Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030.
•College of Dairy Science (Rajasthan Agricultural University), Udaipur-313001.
•Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, Lohianagar, Patna-800020.
•West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Faculty of Dairy Technology, Mohanpur Campus, P.O. Krishi Vishwavidyalaya-741 252.
•Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad-211 007.
•Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur-4.
•Dairy Science Institute, Asrey Milk Colony, Government of Maharastra, Mumbai-400 064.