My NEET score is 477,OBC category.Can I have any chances to get any BAMS college in india???
Student a very congratulations for getting a good marks in NEET 2020 despite of this pandemic influenza.for getting a seed into government college in it to atleast cross a score of 420 and here you have a very good score of 477 and you have a very good chance of getting it into and government college or else a very prestigious private Ayurvedic college. Since Ayurveda is also a very good alternative medicine I wish you a very good luck for going into a medical field of Ayurveda and I hope you will make a very good ways here.since you have a very good score you have a good chances of getting it into a very top government Ayurvedic medical colleges so here I am mentioning some of the good government Ayurvedic college all over India you can refer to it for yourself.
Shri dhanwantri Ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences Bangalore
Gujarat ayurved university ,Jamnagar
JB Roy state medical college ,Kolkata
Ayurvedic medical college ,Kolhapur
State Ayurvedic college of Lucknow
Dayanand Ayurvedic college Jalandhar
National institute of ayurved, Jaipur
so student you can refer for the best ayurvedic colleges in their marks are very good you can get it into a very good government Ayurvedic colleges so I wish you all the very best and I hope these things guide you in a very good way and if you feel any more queries feel free to ask!
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