My rank in wbjee is 4567 can I get any govt college with ece branch or jadavpur University with any branch..?
Hey there according to your rank you can apply for the following colleges for ece branch -
1. Maulana abul kalam azad university of technology, kolkata
2. Heritage institute of technology, kolkata
3. Netaji subhash engineering college, kolkata
4. Visva - bharati university, west Bengal
For more knowledge about colleges visit the link
The probability of you to get any branch in jadavpur university is very low as the cutoff for core branches in final round is less than 2400 and lowest cutoff in final round is for printing engineering (2664).
Note: If you are very much dedicated enough to get top branch like ECE in jadavpur you can also opt for drop one year or can prepare for wbjee and jee main next year by studying bsc in some good local college.

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