My rank is 31000 in VIT.Which course can I get in VIT Vellore campus and VIT Bhopal campus?
As per past trends following are the closing ranks of VIT Vellore for different courses:
Computer Science and Engineering 7000
Information technology 12000
Computer science and Engg. (Specialisation in Bioinformatics) 13500
Bio Medical Engineering 45000
Biotechnology 20000 13500
Civil Engineering 35000
Electronics and Communication Engineering 14500
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 15500
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 18500
Mechanical Engineering 19500 19000
Mechanical (Spec. in Automotive Engineering) 12300
Mechanical (Spec. in Energy Engineering) 20000
Production and Industrial Engg. 50000
Chemical Engineering 19500
ECE (Spec.Internet of Things and Sensor) 14800
Comp.Science Engg.( Information Security) 7500
These statistics keep changing a bit every year but you can pretty much get an idea from them.