My score in neet 2018 is 316 of obc category......can i get any private medical college for mbbs whose fees lies around 1 to 10 lakh?
you can only get into a deemed university/college with higher fee margins(18lakh+ pa) and that too in the final mop up round (manual round) if at all you get. You need to fill your choices carefully and keep a close watch over the whole counseling process as to when n all the counseling rounds r happening,their reporting time and all.And also you got to check the respective sites of the college for information regarding the manual rounds.Its not gonna be an easy process .You can try for the colleges in South India because they might be charging a high fee but they provide quality education and have proper infrastructure (such as Shree Ramchandra 22lakh +,A few colleges in Kerala, Karnataka and a few in Pondicherry).For more information check the respective sites and last year statistics and you might be able to get an idea.
Good luck
According to your marks you may have chances for admission to private colleges. Fee structure vary from college to college also according to the state.
You can use the MBBS companion tool to check your expected colleges and also the fee structure of the colleges-
Hope this helps.
Good Luck!
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