My TNAU rank is10025 and my cutoff is 164.5is the mark is eligible to get btech agriculture engineering in tnau or in any afflited colleges
Hello student,
You are eligible to get admission for B.Tech Agriculture Engineering in TNAU but the chances are low in first round of counselling. The chances of admission are more in second round. But you will surely get admission in TNAU affiliated colleges. Apply and try for the best because the seat allocation may differ based on community, age etc.
All the Best!

As in the question you did not clearly mention aboht the reservation category so I assume it to be genral.
So , according the previous year cut off it might be possible that you may get admission in this university.
You can wait for second round of counselling.
You can also refer to the colleges affiliated to TNAU:
1.Horticulture collge and research institute
2.Agriculte college and research institute
3.Forestcollege and research institute
4.Don Bosco college of agriculture
5.Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture
If you belong to special category tgen you can easily get admission there.
Hope it helps!!!!