My wbjee rank is 1129 in OBC B. Can I eligible for pharmacy in govt college ??
Hello ASpirant ,
Congragulations!Its a good Score!!Please drop down your general rank not your category rank as it is not of much use except for providing you seats within the reservations,,Kindly ignore if you have specified it correctly in the question.Anyways you need not comment or ans another question for knowing the answer I will drop a Link for college predictor WBJEE 19.
There is only a slight difference in the home state and other state preferences ,you did not have to care about it if the predictor predicts a college.
You can select your prefernces as you wish and check the list
Please visit this link and check for yourself ,make 2-3 selections among the list of colleges that appear.If you do not have a prefered branch then set the branch to "not sure"similarly for the college location and Use your general rank (not the category rank) to generate the colleges that might let you in.
If the Government colleges are not available kindly go for private colleges they provide a better infrastructure and provides a better exposure to the students.
Anyways Good Luck!!
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