Need an appropriate ANSWER
This is really an interesting filed in law glad to hear that you have interest, well forensic attorney's have role mostly of lawyers one must have a good oral and written communication skills along with these they must be clam in situations which may seems unpleasent since crime scenes need to be seen. You must have a science or law background . Coming to your second question about education qualification well eligibilty requirements are like three year law degree and also need to complete bar exam.
The forensic attorney must be an expert in both law and forensic science, so the appropriate educational background must emphasize both. Like all attorneys, a four-year bachelor's degree, a three-year law degree and the successful completion of a written bar examination are required. As of 2013, a handful of universities in the U.S. offer forensic science degrees at the graduate level, though coursework heavy in the sciences would also provide a good foundation. Some firms might also require forensic attorneys have specialized certification -- for example, both the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and American College of Forensic Examiners Institute offer a number of workshops, conferences and forensic certification programs.