Neet 2021 exam date kya h or neet 2021 ka slevus kya h
The neet 2021 application forms has not been released yet. But we can expect that the officials can release the registration forma of neet 2021 in the last of january or the first week of February. And the exam will probably be taken in month of may ( first week ).
Also keep regularly checking the neet offical site for more details.
The syllabus of NEET 2021 will be from Physics, Chemistry, Biology of 11th and class 12th science CBSE syllabus. Also as CBSE has 30% reduced the syllabus for CBSE class 11th and class 12th so, the neet syllabus will be cut accordingly and the same reduced syllabus will be asked in neet as pee the latest news declared by education minister. But as the official brochure has not come, so you can expect the same previous syllabus of neet.
Also check out the following link to know the syllabus for neet 2021 :-
Also check out the following link to know more about neet 2021 :-
NEET examination is normally conducted on the 1st sunday of May every year, so ideally your neet 2021 examination should be conducted on 2nd May 2021 .
But yes,
There are a chances that your neet 2021 might be delayed due to covid. Also, now that CBSE board examination are going to start from 4th May chances of Neet examination to be delayed has increased and it is possible that neet might be conducted in june /July, but it cannot be said with surety , so for now we need to wait for the notification from NTA regarding the same.
NEET 2021 syllabus has not been reduced,it is still the same , but yes as many boards including CBSE has reduced the syllabus so to give some relaxation there are chances that internal choices will be provided to attempt the question just like the way NTA increased the number of questions for JEE main from 75 to 90 in order to provide internal choices for attempting question.
NEET 2021 Syllabus is provided below :-
*Physical-world and measurement
*Laws of Motion
*Work, Energy and Power
*Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
*Properties of Bulk Matter
*Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
*Oscillations and Waves
*Current Electricity
*Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
*Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
*Electromagnetic Waves
*Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
*Atoms and Nuclei
*Electronic Devices
*Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
*Structure of Atom
*Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
*Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
*States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
*Redox Reactions
*s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
*Some p-Block Elements
*Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques
*Environmental Chemistry
*Solid State
*Chemical Kinetics
*Surface Chemistry
*General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
*p- Block Elements
*d and f Block Elements
*Coordination Compounds
*Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
*Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
*Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
*Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
*Chemistry in Everyday
*Diversity in Living World
*Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
*Cell Structure and Function
*Plant Physiology
*Human physiology
*Genetics and Evolution
*Biology and Human Welfare
*Biotechnology and Its Applications
*Ecology and environment
For more details about NEET syllabus go through :-
This syllabus will be very helpful in your preparation because it will let you know the topics and chapters which are included in your examination , so go well through your syllabus and plan your studies so that you can score well in your neet examination.
If you have any other doubt then you can always reach us to clear them :) we are always available to help you out and guide you
Thank you
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