neet expected cut off kitana ho sakta he?
Cut offs change every year depending on various factors such as no.of Candidates appearing for the exam, no.of Candidates qualified, top NEET score and difficulty of the exam. The formula is 50 percentile of top NEET score for General Category and 40 percentile for OBC,SC,ST. In 2019, the NEET cut offs have been as follows:
General Category: 134-701
OBC: 107-133
ST: 107-133
ST: 107-133
This may fluctuate by 15-20 marks in 2020.
NEET 2019 cut off marks for different categories is provided below:-
Category cutoff percentile cut off marks
General 50 701- 134
General PH 45 133-120
Obc/Sc/st 40 133- 107
NEET cut off is always 50 percentile for general, 45 percentile for General PH and 40 percentile for Obc/Sc/st but cut off marks vary every year depending upon various factors like number of students that appeared in the exam, kind of marks obtained by them , toughness level of the examination etc.
So , you should get at least 20-30 marks more in comparison of neet 2019 in your neet 2020 to clear cut off ,so if you are from general category, you should get at least around 150 marks to clear the Neet 2020 cut off.
But , just clearing cut off marks will not help you If you want to get a seat in a Government medical College.
So, if you are from general category , you should get at least 550 marks or more in NEET 2020 examination
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