NIEIT and NIE mysore both are same or different college in mysore
NIE (National Institute of Engineering ) and NIEIT (National Institute Of Electronics And Information Technology ) both situated in mysore.NIEIT and NIE mysore both are different. NIE is an autonomous institution but NIEIT comes under VTU.In case of placement NIE has better placements compared to NIEIT .
Hi there,
NIEIT and NIE both are different college. NIE is a old college and NIEIT is a new college.
It can be said NIE-IT is sister college of NIE. NIE-IT was found 50 year later after NIE was established.
NIE-IT college is not as good in placements and teaching as NIE college.
NIE features in top 10 colleges in Karnataka while NIEIT does not stand for.
But Infrastructure of NIE-IT is better than NIE
Hope it helps you
Good luck!