NIT Jamshedpur ECE or IGDTUW CSE?
If you are a student from Delhi, you should enrol in CSE at IGDTUW; however, if you are from another state, you should enrol in ECE at NIT Jamshedpur. Both, however, provide a fantastic placement facility. IGDTUW charges less in tuition than NIT Jamshedpur. IGDTUW is the place to enrol if you're interested in college life, while NIT Jamshedpur is where you should enrol if you want to receive an exceptional education. The faculty of NIT Jamshedpur is superior than that of IGDTUW.
You need to have both an ECE and CS degree if you want to work in the IT sector.
And you can choose ECE if you wish to work in core ECE positions.
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