Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
Hello Santosh,
If you score more than 97% in the CAT exam ,then you have a change to get seat in the NITIE mumbai. The cut off goes as high as 97 percentile for general category. So if you get more than the 97% then you have more changes to get admission in the NITIE mumbai.
Hope this helps you...
To get admission in NITIE Mumbai,candidate must have to complete graduation in Engineering/Technology and must have minimum of 60% marks in aggregates (5% less for Sc/St).and they should have valid CAT score.Candidates appearing in the final year of graduation (Engineering/Technology) can also apply provided they fulfill the criteria till the given dates.
You can check more information about the exam here
I Hope This Helps
Best Of Luck!!!
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