NMIMS Kirit P Mehta School of Law
NMIMS Kirit P Mehta School of Law is a law School in Mumbai ,Maharashtra.
Some information or details about NMIMS Kirit P Mehta School of Law is given below
- It is a private Law School
- It is under Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai
- It was established in the year 2013
- It is approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI).
- It is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation
It offers a number of courses like:-
- integrated (BA LLB, BBA LLB),
- postgraduate (LLM)
- doctoral (Ph.D) courses in Business Law, Crime & Criminology etc
It has facilities like :-
- library
- hostels,
- sports,
- seminar halls,
- laboratory, etc.
For detailed information visit our page the link for the same is given below
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