NTSE stage 2 syllabus SST ......
Also See: JEE Main College Predictor | NEET College Predictor
Try and cover the entire CBSE SST syllabus of classes 9 and 10 from NCERT books. Topics like India and the Contemporary World - II, Contemporary India - II, Democratic Politics - II , Understanding Economic Development need to be completely covered. You can also read on Best books for NTSE and NTSE Syllabus to know more.
Best wishes
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The history of Mughal dynasty, ancient civilizations, legislative
assembly, government structure, physical divisions of India, hydrosphere, types
of banks, recent general happenings, political events, awards, type of
economics, fundamental rights, natural vegetation and the political system of
India are the most frequently grilled topics in NTSE and are a part of NTSE
British Raj
Culture, Science, and Literature
Democracy and Elections
Diversity and Livelihood
Early Medieval Period
Early States
Eighteenth Century Political Formation
French Revolution
India and its Neighbors
Indian Constitution
Indian Economics
Indian Freedom Struggle
Industrial Revolution
Internal Structure of the Earth and Rocks
Introduction and Sources of Ancient Indian History
Jainism,Buddhism, and Conquerors from Distant Lands-
Local and State Government
Major Domains and Landforms
Maps and Globe
Medieval Architecture and Culture
Motion of the Earth
Nationalism in Various Countries
Natural Vegetation
New Empires and Kingdoms- You can find the entire history in the
crispest and helpful at the same time,
Our Country – India
Popular Movements and Social Reforms
Resources and Development
Solar System
The Delhi Sultanate
The Judiciary
The Mauryas
The Mughal Empire
UN and International Agencies
Union Government
Vedic Period
Water resources
World History
Indus Valley Civilization
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